
17 Feb 2010

Over tea

Met up with the TPJC gang for our "reunion dinner" of sorts at Jia Hui's place. Quite decidedly ate the best fermented beancurd chicken wings ever although I realise that as I am typing it out, it does not sound particularly enticing .Those at those at the table seem to agree with us polishing off an entire plate and don't even let me get started on the gravy. The company was great and as we played Cluedo over our cups of tea while getting distracted by the 9pm serial finale episode, it struck me that most of the people in our group will be moving on to the next stage of our lives.

And come next Chinese New Year, we will most probably doing be the same thing all over again but this time as working adults - a small semblance of order in our chaotic working lives. Somehow, I found that thought particularly comforting.

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