
14 May 2010

The long line

Benjamin Zander, conductor of the Boston Philharmonic once talked musical phrasing and in it, he talked about the long line - about how for him to get from one note to another, he had to stop thinking every single note along the way but to think about the long, long line from B to E.

That for me , just about summed up the life I had in NUS. I remember starting school in the first semester and from there on ,it was just one activity after another - an internship here, a project there - finally reaching the end of the phrase a few weeks ago. 4 years is really quite a long time for the long line.

But it wasn't that all the parts in the middle weren't necessary. They were. In truth, all the experiences in those 4 years shaped who I am today . It's the running notes, arpeggios and minors the music goes through coming to the finale.

For me, this is just an end to just one phrase. Another is beginning and when that ends, I want to be able to turn off the ignition and say "Ahh, I'm finally home".

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