This was no joking matter.
I had my target within range.
In my mind, the highly intricate plan was all coming together.
I waited for the window of opportunity which I knew came only once- or twice if you were lucky.
I checked that my equipment was loaded for the fifth time.
The time had come.

Presenting to readers of my blog my all new all weather Digital Camera in its full glory.
It's a Canon PowerShot A75, one of the many on sale today at all major electrical appliance stores. I bought mine from East Point, Best Denki. The Salesman said it could even take pictures underwater. That is assuming of course I bought the water-proof case, which I had not. I couldn't wait to try it out in someone's aquarium.
Smitten with the results, I decided to take a few more.

Man and boy.

Seems a bit dusty doesn't it?

Good things come in threes.

Ah. Those were the days...
My mother then came in.
"Wah buy things again."
The camera was actually the first thing I bought with my own Army allowance which costs more than $20.
" What a fugly looking piece of photographic equipment this is! Boy ah ,why you buy camera again? How much? You got make sure that this is the best model they have not?"
I almost drowned in the tsunami of questions asked. I ignored the bitting insult my mother threw at of all things, my Digital Camera and considered taking her one on one.
" eh, this is a digital Camera la mum. It costs 300 plus (which was one hundred less than the actual price) and this model not bad ."
"sure not? You know my friend one very thin and small unlike yours, so big and bulky."
Ok. That was it.
"Thanks mum."
At that moment, my sister came into my room and spotting my new Digicam, requested for my mum to take a picture.
"Mummy ah, can help us take picture?" *smiles sweetly*
" Ok." ( looks around for a place)
"Jialat, the house very messy le. We take with your Korkor's cupboard as the background la"
My cupboard by the way looks like this.

I told her that a green background was rather erxin and I didn't want people to know my cupboard was green in colour. And so we changed our position and took this.

Ah. This was more in line with the look I wanted. It almost was good enough to be published in the papers.
Studious boy in search of Valentine date, interested please call xxxxxxx
How about that?
I don't know what the big fuss over Valentine's Day is anymore. It has become too commercialised, too fake. I wish them couples just stay at home and watch a movie or something. Why so mean you ask?
The answer lies in three letters, PDA a.k.a Public Display of Affection .Let's take a case in point.
I was travelling on the MRT on day and as the train was happily rumbling along in came this couple. At first glance they looked OK. In fact they were working adults, with brief cases, polished shoes and all. And then the horror started.
The guy starting tickling the girl, for what reason I don't know. What I do know was that the girl starting giving sqeamish shrieks not unlike the kind my hamsters gives out when they were making out. At this moment, the entire cabin's attention was on them.
Expecting the Gotcha crew to just spring any moment now, the girl starts to reciprocate and tickles the guy back.
I changed my seat.
Now then back to reality.
A bit sad really, one day after Valentine's Day I've got guard duty. Hopefully, the people in charge are in a more Lovy Dovy mood. Then again, Valentine's Day is the day that people get rejected the most.
Odds are if you like someone, you will tell them on four occassions.
1. Valentine's Day
2. Her Birthday
3. When you 've got a terminal disease
4. When she has a just broken up
Out of the four, the first two are hot favourites. Don't believe? Ask around la. Ah? outdated ah? Sorry la.
At night, my mum started baking some pineapple tarts for giving away during Chinese New Year.

According to The Straits Times these are not eaten by the chinese Mainlanders . So what do the chinese in china really munch on?
According to Chef Chan, traditional festive fare there consists of steamboat, jiaozi (meat dumplings), carrot cake, Chinese sausages and preserved meats, which are popular among Northerners trying to stave off the wintry cold.
Southerners, meanwhile, fill up on steaming claypots containing chicken, duck, vegetables or Chinese sausages, and kok zai (mini peanut puffs).
-The Straits Times
So the next time you eat a pineapple tart, try not to think that it makes you more Chinese.
Hey! you finally gt your beloved Digicam. Congras wor! Nice pics taken with your new cam! But hor..the one tt you took on your greenish cupboard looks abit eerie. lol. Give me a kind of ghostly atmosphere. *oops* Btw, you dun hav a date for V day? *aww*..ask your frens out's V cum Friendship day, and not jus V day wor..