
20 Mar 2005

Black Magic

Have you ever get so frustrated in a guessing game that you couldn't sleep unless you knew the answer? Yes? well, today's your lucky day as yours truely has complied a list of games plundered from this evening's band barbeque to spare some poor soul a sleepless night.

The thing about these games is that only the person who actually asks the questions and one other person in the group knows the secret. The rest are kept in the dark.

Black Magic

Idea: The Evil one asks his collaborator to turn back while the participants select an object.Once selected, the Evil one will starting asking if seemingly random objects is the chosen one. Audience is to guess how the trick is done.

Trick: The object the Evil one gives as an option that comes after a black object is the selected object. It follows that all objects should be non-black unless of course if the selected object is also black.


" is it the sun?"
"is it the moon?"
"is it John's mole on his left cheek?"
"is it peter's spectacles?" [BINGO! unless John's mole happens to be green]


Black Magic Cards

Idea: Nine cards are placed 3 by 3. Collaborator turns back while one of the audience selects a card. Again Evil one starts giving options. Audience to guess how trick is done.

Trick: The first card Evil one points to will be the determinant card. He will point to any of the nine points on the very first card. Whichever is the position he points to will be the position of the selected card.

From here on it is a one man's show. No collaborator is needed.

What time is it?

Idea: Audience is to guess what time it is.


Evil one: What time is it Alvin?
Correct Ans: 6
Evil one: Time?
Correct Ans:1
Evil one:So have you figured what time yet?
Correct Ans: 8

Trick: Number of syllybus in the question.



Idea: Evil one to say "bang bang bang" and asks the audience who died. Audience to guess why a person dies.

Trick: The first person to say something will be the one who died.


Try #1
Evil one: Bang bang bang! Who dies?
Jane: who?who?
Evil one: you

Try #127584469
Evil one:Bang bang bang! Who dies?
Jane: Kao eh. Piece of shit. You anyshow bom one right?
Evil one: You die.

Yes. You guess it right. I fell victim to these games at the barbeque today with the band. Mostly I was among the last to get the idea. It is all plain and simple once you know it but if you don't just have to try on your friends to find out.

The barbeque we had, though I didn't eat much ,was thoroughly enjoyable. Catching up with the new juniors and seniors just graduated from JC felt good. Here some pics for your viewing pleasure.

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Man and Dog

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New Tubes

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The fire burns on in the T Bone Sect

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To end the entire Barbeque we even tossed Yu Sheng. Among well-wishers were those of "HSCBAND Gold with honours", " ORD quickly" and "Need to find toilet now!".

On closer inspection the supposed Yu sheng boasts of a wide variety of food and stores, all left-over from the day's barbeque. A secret blend of Mee Goreng, Brocolli, Chicken Curry, uncooked chicken, hot dogs, charcoal logs and even plastic forks, it is a fitting end to an already interesting day.

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