
22 Apr 2008

Memory and perception

Because I am very poor, I went to earn my lunch money by making myself a test subject. It was a half hour test and besides, I was getting a little bored studying. The promised $5 reimbursement was a good draw too! =)

The test itself was pretty easy. All that you had to do was listen to a bunch of people reading a list of words either angrily or neutrally and they'll test you on the words you remember. Unsurprisingly I think I caught more of the words that were said more angrily because probably:

1. They tended to be higher-pitched and thus more noticeable.
2. One tended to pay more attention to an angry tone than a dull neutral one.

Also, it didn't really matter on the nature of the words. Whether it's a noun (table!) or a verb (stop!), I tended to notice both more or less equally well( I think) though I thought the verbs would have triggered an emotional memory too. Weird.

I did leave with a little headache and a packet of Wanton noodles! Yay!


  1. daniel, $5 ah. i received a email from psych department offerring $15-$23. haha and they are only looking for males, right handed and knows how to play instrument. tt sounds daniel. hahahah =x

  2. eh, bo jio again....

    i also want $5!!!

  3. lol. i was studying about emotions today.
    normally ppl with intact amygdala will perceive and memorise or pay attention more to emotionally charged words. lol.

    i think u have an intact amygdala.


  4. I also took psych tests in NTU to 'earn' some money!!!
    But my last deal was better than yours. I had a $15 bucks one for just 1hr 30 mins of my time. Good money!! (:
