
6 Jul 2008

Something there

If there is something I can remember vividly about my father when I was small , it is the outings with him and my sister to the Bedok Cineplex. Everytime we went there meant a car ride in our then family car, a black Suzuki with me in front. These days he would never fail to recount with a smile the time he braked too hard and I tumbled into the leg space.

Then, there would always be an indian Kacang Puteh man in front of the Cinema and of the many containers with multi-coloured nuts ,peas and snacks , my sister and I would point to the "pillow" one. The Kacang Puteh man would smile, pull one glossy magazine page out of nowhere and roll it into a cone while filling it with the pillow snack and one of my father's favourite, sweet white nuts . I'll admit that it was darn impressive at that time.

The other thing about our outings is that we would only go for two kinds of movies. One, my father's favourite Jackie Chan movies and two, Disney movies that my sister and I never fail to bug him to bring us to. I don't remember even one movie that I didn't enjoy. Of all the movies, I like the Disney ones the best because, they were always fun and full of songs.

After Aladdin, I distinctly remember pretending the piece of metal in between adjoining MRT carriages to be a magic carpet which my sister and I took turns to ride on. It was marvelous.

Lion King was the other movie my sister and I totally enjoyed. Well, at least I did.

And the last clip I would like to share is actually one of my favourites! Beauty and the beast. Classic! =)

Ah. Those were the days.

p.s. In a completely unrelated note, I wonder if it's possible to ask these guys to help do a Beauty and the Beast medley. I wonder. They rock by the way.


  1. Well, you can just join NUSSO with your violin and someday you should be able to ask them...

  2. I won't be up to standard !haha.

  3. Ah, another choice... kick their tuba player out and join them

  4. wahaha nostalgia..

  5. wahaha Dan you 好色..
