
7 Sept 2008


At a whim, I decided to go to a concert with a friend. It was a concert by the Singapore National Youth Sinfonia and had I checked properly, would have realised that the tickets were sold by Sistic. But I hadn't and happily I asked the attendants if there were tickets sold at the table.

"No. How many people are you getting for?"

I said 2 and from out of nowhere, she conjured two tickets and placed them in my hand. I was just about to pay her the money when she told me that the tickets were complimentary.To add to the surrealness of it all, she even thanked for coming down to support the SNYS. And that was how we got into VCH for a free concert, sitting, of all places in a specially reserved section, centre, no less.

I went to the gents before the concert and beside it, the Sistic box office was doing a brisk business. This is my lucky day.