
17 Sept 2008


Sometimes we speak without giving a thought to how others might feel.

Be it in project groups or just amongst friends, no matter how familiar, we should not just blurb out whatever we have to say , even if it is the truth . There has to some tact involved, some thought put in because let's face it, words can hurt too ya?

Then on the other end, we have people who don't say much. That's all well and good. But the limit's kinda tested if you speak to the person expecting a reply and he barely even blinks. I mean come on...


  1. dan kang---the s.n.a.g haha. why u so sensitive bout ppl not replying to u??? untactful ppl i can understand though...cos it hurts so i usually attack back la.anyway, i am either silent or (the party of one). cheers.

  2. ganbai! Woah... we should go drink together someday. Haha.
