
16 Oct 2008

Ending notes

Today marks the very last NUSWS rehearsal with Mr. Leonard Tan before our concert tomorrow. In the dying minutes of the rehearsal he was reminiscing about our past concerts.

About the toughest piece of his very first concert with us and mine as well, Bayou Breakdown ( during which we nearly broke down).

About one of the rehearsals for Poema, which was so high, it fired up neurons in my brain never before activated.

About the Besana Series of concert, in Italy where during each and every performance we got a standing ovation.

And lastly about the third and final movement of Planet Earth where rumour has it, he teared.

I thought Planet Earth was about as high as it was going to get. When I heard the electronic Big Bang for the very first time and I felt the vibrations resonating on stage, it sent shivers up my spine and I haven't even played a single note.

But I thought wrong. You know the feeling that envelopes you when you are at the last 100m of a half marathon, that spine-tingling adrenaline rush that pushes you beyond your point of pain, beyond the threshold of human endurance, propelling you to somewhere greater, higher, stronger?

That is the feeling I got when playing extreme makeover today.

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