BURN-E is a short film by Pixar Animation Studios based on the movie WALL-E that is attached to the movie’s DVD and Blu-ray release on November 18, 2008.
The short film, directed by WALL-E lead animator Angus MacLane, was produced at the same time as WALL-E, and is included as bonus material to the DVD and Blu-ray release. BURN-E features music composed and conducted by J.A.C. Redford, who was also orchestrator on the film WALL-E.
The short film is based on a character who was briefly seen when WALL-E and EVE fly around the Axiom starliner, and enter through a door, locking a welder robot outside of the ship. This character is a robot named BURN-E (Basic Utility Repair Nano Engineer), who is seen banging his fists against the door, and ultimately realizing that he has been locked out.
Very nice!
poor thing... hahaha
ReplyDeleteHaha. Cute la.