
10 Jan 2010


Sat, 09 Jan 10, 7.30pm
Esplanade Concert Hall

Lan Shui conductor
Gil Shaham violin

STRAVINSKY - Le chant du rossignol ‘Song of the Nightingale'
PROKOFIEV - Violin Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 63
RACHMANINOV - The Isle of the Dead, Op. 29
SCRIABIN - Symphony No. 4, Op. 54 ‘The Poem of Ecstasy'

In this all-Russian programme, Gil Shaham returns in a performance of Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 2 - one of the finest written in the 20th century; its expressive second movement is one of the composer's most inspired creations. With The Poem of Ecstasy, Scriabin created a masterpiece of orchestration and shifting sound colours that reflect his intense interest in Debussy's music.

I have to say this was one of the more goose bump inducing concerts I have been to. The solo violin work by Prokofiev was extremely well done with both the ensemble and violinist, Gil Shaham blending flawlessly. What sweeten the night even further was when Gil Shaham decided to play as encore, J.S Bach's Parita no. 3 movement 1. Listening to this live was like a dream come true!

The second half started with a sombre mood with Rachmaninov's The Isle of the Dead, Op. 2. Concluding the night was The Poem of Ecstasy by Scriabin. This is another work that has to be experienced live. SSO's superb brass section brought out the triumphant calls beautifully and tension builds up until finally the ending C major chord almost unexpectedly brings the music to a climatic close.

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