
23 Mar 2010


A random conversation I overheard after I boarded the NUS shuttle bus at Engineering block.

Boy: Does this bus go to Business?
Uncle: No. You have to take Bus B.
Boy: Oh ok. Thank you.
*Boy proceeds to disembark*
Uncle: Wait wait wait!!!
Boy: ???
Uncle: Did you lose a wallet earlier in the day?
Boy: Yeah I did.
*Uncle hands over wallet to stunned boy*
Uncle: I saw the photo look like you.
Boy: It's mine. I have been looking for it! Thank you uncle!
Uncle: Have a nice day!
Boy: Thank you very much!

And for the rest of the journey, the bus uncle kept wishing people who dismebarked "a nice day" ahead. Somehow, it felt more appropriate when he wished the guy who found his wallet back.

It's not that often something like that happens you know. I mean what are the chances you get onto a bus with the same uncle on it and it's not the bus you want to take somemore? I have been taking them buses for 4 years and I cannot even recognise one of the drivers if I were to see them outside.

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