
17 Jun 2010

Have a heart

I finally sent the dreaded SMS to my Violin sensei telling her that I couldn't continue violin lessons with her. For all the awkwardness in constructing the message, I think waiting for her reply was even more unsettling. But for all the reasons stated in the SMS - mostly locational inconvenience - there is a part of me that knows that it was not the main reason. Somehow during the 2 years of lessons, her coming to my place became more of a side-quest than anything else - not important but what-the-heck let's just do it anyway to gain extra points. And it shows. Somewhere along the way, she simply lost heart and I find it difficult to progress. But that said, I guess that's what happens when your full-time job takes a toll on you. Really, who could blame her?

To be sure, I still love the violin and really appreciate her for introducing me to the beautiful instrument but some things had to end. Let's now hope she doesn't know about my blog. Looking forward, I should be taking lessons near my place. We'll see how that works out.


  1. I just have to say; that is one of the hardest things to do (writing such an SMS and the wait). I did that with my second piano teacher and my last one I quit face to face, which was harder when there's nothing to hide behind and eye contact is unevitable!

  2. Hi twentyfourhours, finally ... Someone who emphasizes! =) I think you did the right thing with your second piano teacher though. It really takes courage! I am sure your teacher appreciated that. Cheers.
