They were young, cute and energetic. Sitting at the second row to watch our Band Rehearsal yesterday was our un-official Fan-club . One of them nearly grabbed my shoulder while I was walking in with my instrument minding my own business. Loud, rowdy and full of drive, they were also Primary School Kids.
Like well- trained paparazzis with toys for cameras these young fellas sneaked into our rehearsal room to watch all fifity plus of us playing music. The government should seriously consider employing primary school kids as their undercover spies though they can be a little loud. I'm sure that is a problem that can be solved by bribery with sweets.
" tomorrow I will be at Jurong.." my conductor said only to be cut short.
"Bird Park" one of the more meaty fellows enthused, smiling for all the world to see his two missing front teeth.
The entire Band erupted in laughter.
This was one of the more hearty moments , Ad Hoc Winds( see previous post) , had during rehearsal for this Sunday's performance. We quickly packed up and left for dinner. Along the route to Century square's Long John Silvers, we lost the entire Tuba Section and was left with Huili, Amanda and their clarinet juniors.
Me: Where are you now ah?
Amanda: you guess la.
I had wanted to say that she was on the bus with me now but I thought better of it.
Me: An educational instituition
Amanda: Nope.
Now either she did not hear me properly or I was saying it with the wrong accent.
Me: Sure not? you not studying meh?
Amanda: Got la
Me: Then correct la.
Amanda: I want the name.
By this time I was already tired of the game and told her to give it to me straight, man to man.
Me: Say la
Amanda: Start with B and got H
I gussed from Bukit Timah to Bangaladash and still had not got the answer.
Huili: Bishan!
I made myself promise that I would never play hang-man ever again. Amanda said something that sounded like "Crucio", "bloody crap" , "not going to talk to you".
Half-way through the meal, Amanda's boyfriend came annd after seizing control of his handphone, made him take a picture,

which I decidedly displeased with its quality, edited.

Here we are looking more healthy again.
Notice that you cannot see my left hand. It was holding on a cup of coke which was lying promicuously on the table.
I told my army ghost stories, most of it anti-climax and they told me their lame jokes, so lame I nearly couldn't walk after that.
But walk I had to the bus-interchange on my way home.
For 1, I don't day the word crucio & for 2, I don't say bloody crap. haha.. it's a good entry though. y? coz there's a little about me. ^-^ anyway, it's reali a gd entry coz i was laughin all the way. this shows that it's worth readin rite.