Judging from the web counter, I think my last post on "Node 36 greatest Awards" must have made some impact. 50 visitors a week is a measly sum I hear you say, Daniel( referring to yours truly) , you should go ahead and close the entire webpage and you can forget about being a block-buster blog writer you insignificant speck of dust."
Guess what? I am going to do just the opposite just for the joy of seeing you fume. My friend once had this conversation with me.
" Daniel ah, why you put in so much effort for your blog ah?"
(ponders for a sec)
" Because I think it is like my life-story. If i couldn't care less, who would?"
And I still hold this view, though I only blog once every week. For all you know, mediacorp may be intenting to film my life-story this very moment. For all you know, my blog may inspire a film. Still, till that day comes, I am afraid, my readers ,that you would have to put up with the 2 dimensional means in which I communicate my ideas.
And what is a life-story without a segment on how my school days were like. Of course, this segment would have to visit the educational institution I had the most memories in, namely, Hai Sing Catholic School and Tampines Junior College. I just read from Val's blog that TPJC alumnus is having a get-together. Extracted word for word from her website:
>>Dear Tampines Junior College Alumnus
>>We are pleased to invite you to the first TPJC Get-together 2005.
>>Don't miss this opportunity to relive the good old days with
>>friends, teachers and principals! At the same time, check out what
>>TPJC Alumni has in store for you this year! Dinner and light
>>refreshments will be provided.
>>Date: 28 January 2005 (Friday)
>>Venue: TPJC Foyer
>>Time: 6.15 pm
>>Cost: $10 (dinner provided)
>>You are also invited to submit the name of your favourite teacher
>>and we will try our very best to locate him/her and invite him/her
>>back for this great event.
>>Kindly register before 14th January 2005 (Friday) by going to the
>>link below:
>>And confirm your attendance by 22nd January.
>>Please contact us if you have further enquiries:
As I read the e-mail, I only had two feelings.
1."Incerdible Sia. To think TPJC would put in the effort to put up such an event is unthinkable. Previously only exclusively available only to Premier Junior Colleges like Hwa Chong, it seems TPJC is joining the club.
2. " Kindly register before 14th January 2005 (Friday) by going to the link below:"
To think I only missed the deadline by 32 minutes, all of which was used to type the blog was unthinkable at the very least. And so I resigned to my fate that wasn't going there registered.
That does not mean that I was not going. It only meant that I was going there , registered or not. I mean why not? At the most, I don't eat the food lor.
All truth be told, Tampines Junior College was not my first choice. My number one place on the form that I submitted to God-knows-who was Temasek Junior College which fortunately, I did not get in. I say "fortunately" not to offend previous Temasekians (though I do think some of them are pretty aloof) but to tell the world that I am glad to have been posted to TPJC. why?
1. Environment very relax
-can study at your own time own target plus no need to prepare 8 tutorials in advance. Yes NJCians I hear your cry.
2. Teachers very helpful
-can ask till the cows come home and they will still be there
- no need to waste money to hire tuition teachers to teach you.
3. Food very good
- Ok.Maybe only up to my batch
- caused me to go to PTP though. Must be the Mee-pok.
4. Hall very big
- better to cramp more students in to warm up the place which has the potential to deep-freeze some products i.e. Macdonald's patties.
5. P.E very fun
- Repeling, Rockclimbing, Tennis, Badminton...you get the idea
- Though got some ticko old man as P.E teacher but at least he not looking at me.
6. Not a Premier Junior College
- students want to hao-lian also cannot (unlike some JCs)
and many other reasons. In fact, I am so sure that the students love TP so much, I have sent our Kate and Muthu there to take a look see. Let's see their reports.
Before "A" levels
The library seems to be the place to go everytime the students have a break between classes.Let's interview the students to take a look see into this library's winning formula.

Kate: Excuse me.
Duo:( no response)
Duo: Go away la!
Kate: Sorry. I'm Kate from Gnak television. Can you tell me why the library is so attractive to TPJCIANs?
Duo: Bloody hell. We playing game la. See la lose liao. Basket.What thing?Dont waste my time hor.
kate: What makes the library so popular with you guys?
One of the Duo who wanted to be known as Xiao Long Nu replied:
People sleep in class will kena caught by teacher so sleep here lor. The air-con here also very shiok.
The other wanted to be known as Yan Guo.
Yan Guo: The internet connection here better than in class. Will not be disturbed by Discipline master also cause he never come here one.
Kate: really? So do everyone come here because of that?
Xiao Long Nu: You a lot of questions le.Of course not. For some the multimedia room is a must-go. Can rent a VCD to watch.If not bring your own lor. I myself brought the whole set of Lord of the Rings Extended Version here. The surround sound damn shiok sia.
Yan Guo: Wah! never jio me go watch with you.You good ah..
Xiao Long Nu:...
Kate: interesting. Any other points to add before I go?
Yan Guo: better not eat the food here. Eat liao sure diarrhoea one. Dont say I never warn you hor.
Kate: So jialat meh?
Xiao Long Nu: ya la. You don't believe sua la. Dont waste our time. Need to complete a level today.
Kate: ok. thanks.
On the day when they realeased the "O" level results
Spirits were at about all time high as they released the "O" level results this year. Let's take a look see into what they are so joyous about.

Guy to girl: How many As you get ah? huh? only one ah. I got four le. No la. I did it all by myself.
Muthu: Excuse Me.
Guy: What you want Bangala?
Muthu: Firstly, I'm not a Bangala because I can speak English. Secondly, you seem to have some misconceptions about people who have darker skin colour. Not all are from Bangaladesh. Anyway can you spare me a few moments please?
Guy : Can't you see I talking to my potential girffriend.You better go do your construction work or else I report you to your boss ah. ( looks at name tag) Muthu is it? You better go find someone else to give you money to buy lunch.
Muthu: but..I
Guy: No way. End of story. Full stop. Zip.