After a 24 hour breakdown in internet connections, the system has since been repaired and first contact was made with Erina at 2138, 290105 on MSN messenger. The following pictures were sent.

Finally online, I just have to shout something out to the Blog-o-sphere.
Man. That was totally awesome. The internet is the best thing that happened to bloggers since the English Language.
But I digress, as I was saying, these were pictures snapped by my junior ,Erina, at the Ad Hoc Winds Performance held at Tampines Soka.
Last week was the first time I had touched my instrument at least since half a year ago and it felt great. The feeling was not unlike that of riding a bicycle after not riding for a long time. The adrenaline rush when the speed builds, the feel of the handle bars, the rotational motion of the pedals , even the tinkle of the bicycle bike - they all came back , a recollection of old times. Being the attention seeker that I was, I wore my gold tuba-pin which of course was a token from yester-year . It felt good to be back.
I got Erina to bring her Digital Camera beforehand and just as I was fiddling with the controls, the organiser annouced that he had two gifts for the Ad hoc Winds. One was a green box of what supposedly wasn't a "ticking time bomb" and the other was a song, which being Soka , turned out to be some sort chant. I hope they weren't chanting for rain. Xin Hui was nominated to receive the gift and I, in a moment of desperation snapped the first rather abstract photograph of her with the prize and the performers in the background.
The interesting thing about the concert was that we all were playing without our footwear alajapanese style. I almost expected to find a sushi master waiting to prepare our dinner. Before I entertained thoughts of ordering tempura ice cream, the event started,
After another chant for a first performance, which some the audience joined in, i started to get rather suspicious about the entire thing. All uncertainties were cleared as we performed our two pieces, Mama Mia and Hey Baby ,next ,with Tim as our Flower Boy. He of course got to stand in the flower pot which the band bought from goodness knows where. What has a flower got to do with Hey baby? I have no idea.
A performance of Les miserables came next.
Since I still had to book into camp, I left earlier and met Mr Chua at the Toilet.
Mr Chua: Go back camp liao ah.
Dan: yeah. Got to book in before 2359
Mr Chua:( looks at watch) hmz bit late already ah. Would you like me to fetch you to the MRT?
Dan: Thanks.That would be nice.
And that was my how I got my first trip Mr. Chua's Car, happily rumbling to Simei MRT station to book in on Sunday Night.
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