The guy who saved 19 february 2005

Yes. That is him all right- The thinker . Even against my ghoulish looking cupboard he appears as calm as ever, which is a rare feat accomplished only by a select few. My cupboard is said to have been cursed by the Black Pearl. At night,above the monotone hum of the aircon I could make out pirate talk of what sounded like a " hidden treasure in the storeroom", "savvy" and "bloody closet as hot as a furnace" . He indeed is the one.
And what's more, he single-handedly resurrected my computer. In fact, I suspected that should I not have called him, I would have still been looking at a black screen of death at this moment.
At this point I would like to tell Dell technical support hotline an important message:
What stupid company provides support only for 9 to 5 and on a five-week basis? What? computers cannot kena virus on saturday at 8 p.m is it? You think the virus got working hours one meh? Go wake up your idea la Dell.
I called the hotline the first thing I ran into problems and a deep caucasian male voice started droning:
"Did you know that Dell offers (something along the lines of Dell is bloody good and can make anything- cutlery included). "
This lasted for approximately half a mintue after which the kindly voice then proceeds to tell me that they were not open on friday at 6.00p.m. I blew it there and then.
Nonsense! Not in say not in la , have to include your own advertisement meh? Waste my time.I made a mental note to myself to never buy Dell products ever again.
The Guitar
Looking like something that came out of a rock concert, in which the guitarist in a state of orgasmic playing smashes the guitar into the ground and leaps head-first into the crowd, my guitar has been in this state for nearly half a year. Every night I tried willing it to unbend itself to no avail.
Apparently Suzuki aren't that good at making guitars.
Finally egged on by my guitar instructor this morning, I got a brand new Yamaha one. Yes it sounds good as well.
I wanted to call it matthew after its matt finish but changed my mind as it sounded too gay. Suggest its name on comments!
name it yamaha lo..
ReplyDeleteSia la. Can A bit more personal not ah? A bit one kind le. Feels as if I were advertising for Yamaha or something.