
28 May 2005

The Great D-I-Y

I had planned to sleep in today , since this week had been particularly testing with NDP preparations. I woke up to my phone ringing, my head hurting and a bad mood. It was 9.10 a.m. Feeling as though I had forgotten something I remembered with a pang: Guitar lessons on Saturday morning. My handphone stopped ringing just as I was reaching for it .

The hall in the hall now started ringing. Dragging my feet I answered it.

"Hello?" The lady on the other line answered.

I recognised that voice. It was the admistrator from Christofori, my Music School.

" Classes are cancelled," she stated. Silently , I congratulated myself. I hung up and went back to sleep.

Through blurry eyes, I looked at my Handphone clock.

"12.30" It read.

My friend had sent me an SMS.

" I am already at the station." The message stated simply.

This was bad. I was supposed to meet my friend, Eeyan at Tampines Station Control. She had just came back from Thailand and bought something back for me. It turned out to be a D-I-Y lamp.

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Fresh ,all the way from Chiang Mai, Thailand

Back in Secondary School, I had never been a good D&T student, but it didn't need a great architect to work out how these four panels came together.

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And it works even

And just I thought my D-I-Y adventures were over, dinner saw me cooking Maggi Mee. Now, some of you may be scoffing at me but for someone whose friends can't fry an egg,this was good progress. I fried an egg just to prove I could do it, sunny side up.

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Five minutes later

ahhhhh, Life is good.


Misconceptions I had about NDP

1. All participants got tickets.

I had to ballot for my NDP funpack same as everyone else.

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Ballot for it here

2. Participants get to eat KFC and Pizza Hut every meal.

Food is packed from the camp's cookhouse. Only on preview and rehearsal days does KFC cater for participants. I just love their Zinger.

3. Participants get treated like kings.

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Combat Engineers roughing it out.

Just the other day, while I was at the padang,a couple of combat engineers( who happened to be from the same camp as me) were being instructed by a Bangladeshi worker while he sipped on his own sugar cane juice under the shade.

Well, at least I will be at the actual event.

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