
18 Apr 2008

Keluar Baris

Yesterday while I was (happily) studying, an identified number on my handphone interrupted my chain of thoughts. It was an Indian lady and she wanted to know if I was free in November for an in-camp training. Honestly, I was quite sian despite the fact that I could defer.

In other news,I have been wanting to watch Keluar Baris , a film shot by Singaporean film maker Boo Junfeng. From the 21st SIFF website,

Translating to “fall out” in Malay and the last command in National Service, Keluar Baris tells the personal struggles of a boy serving compulsory military in Singapore and his personal liberty. Boo Junfeng is a prolific independent filmmaker based in Singapore, and this film tells his personal journey to the army.

But the Singapore International Film Festival(SIFF) is over! So I e-mailed him, and what do you know? Sinema will be rescreening all the Singapore Short Film Finalists in mid-May! Happiness is watching movies you want to watch.


  1. yea, i heard a lot of good reviews on boo jun feng's works. haha :D and some interviews abt him say that he's very shy. hahah ok, not the pt..

  2. Dear Daniel,

    Let's go watch together, shall we?

    Buy a ticket for me ah.


  3. haha, daniel, i sense ur excitement. oh, and the picture of a couple seat... HAHAHA~~~~~

  4. eriko:no.....
    rc: Ok!=)

  5. Dear Daniel,

    You are ever so steady-bom-beep-beep!


    Let me know the date and time hor...
