
16 Apr 2008

The whole bow

Quote from my violin teacher because I was using too little "bow".

"The whole violin bow is yours right? From tip to frog? Good. Now use the whole bow. Not just a tiny section of it. "

And that's quite true of our everyday life ain't it? We have so many resources, so much time we while away , textbooks we buy but never read, when we could all be very well be using the whole of all these things, converting all the untapped potential into something useful.

And that is why I try not to buy textbooks. =)

p.s. I love my violin lesson by the way.


  1. i like how ur teacher says it. it's like as if it's a waste not to use the whole bow. :) whole bow is nice and whole haha!

  2. my sensei says use only the first few inches of my shinai (my shinai is 38 inches) to make a cut if not i am too near my opponent.. bleh.. it depends on situation really. good day.

  3. |mono|: yes!my long tone sounding a little nicer liao.Haha. Have to work on my short notes.Hmz. Haha.
    blister: True! In other words, just try to make the most of what you have, but if the situation is like that, then just have to try to make the most out of it lor.hehe.=)
