
13 Apr 2008

SYF Display Band Competition

Saturday saw my friends and I going to the bi-annual Singapore Youth Festival for display bands. It was held at the iconic National Stadium which appears to be able to defy the wrecking ball time and again.


Come to think of it, it was only my second time at the National Stadium! The first was with my family for NDP.

We reached just as the assessment ended and official competition started. In all I thought it was very interesting experience with the flourishes of mace from the drum majors, sudden burst of colours and of course the tight choreography behind the many formations. I did it once during my drum major course and it was not easy!

But words and pictures do not do justice to the event. Presenting the band of the moment, Deyi.


  1. exactly! omg omg deyi DM was like... SHUAI~ muahhahha

  2. Ahem.ok.... I thought his Mace work was good! The band he was leading was
    really quite good too.Haha.
