my camera is missing in action again.
The first time old age crept up with it, I sent it for repair. The screen displayed purplish horizontal lines. That in itself was still OK but it showed in the photos I took! After consulting with the service personnel , I found out that it was actually the camera's innate problem and I got it promptly fixed for free. A week later it was as good as new and I paid an extra 20 SGD to replace a cracked part of the body.
A few weeks ago, after resting quite a while, the same problem occurred again. This time I sent it in in the hopes of it being free again but till now they haven't gotten back to me. This is not good. Maybe it's time to say goodbye to my dear friend of 4 years. All the wonderful memories we shared, the different parts of the world we went together; Soon to be gone, with only the jpegs files as memories. Rest well my friend and brother, Powershot A75. Get well soon. =(
I've been so busy lately, haha, taking care of kids with yokes...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, cheer up dude. :)